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dual car insurance, short-term cover
Simon Jones white clock learner driver5 minute read Car Sharing Learner Drivers

What is Dual Car Insurance?

Can I insure myself on a car that already has an insurance policy? We explain the complex matter that is double insurance.

Simon Jones

It’s a common misconception that it’s always illegal to get insured on a car somebody else has already insured. However, that’s not the case. We’re going to break down the confusing rules about dual car insurance.

What is dual car insurance?

Dual or double car insurance is when the same item or person is insured with the same level of cover on more than one policy. For example, when someone is named to drive the same car on two separate policies, either as the main policyholder or as a named/additional driver.

Is dual car insurance illegal?

Dual car insurance isn’t illegal – you may find yourself accidentally doubling up on cover in many scenarios. For example, you may not realise that your policy has automatically renewed and take out a new one. Or you could buy a policy for a new car, not realising that it comes with free drive away insurance. It’s important to remember though, you can only claim once.  Insurance is only meant to put you back in the position you were in before the event you claimed for.

So, what’s the problem with dual car insurance?

Dual insurance may not be illegal but it’s definitely not a good idea. By doubling up on insurance policies you won’t have any extra protection, you’re just costing yourself more money.

If you have two policies and need to make a claim, you could find yourself in a tricky situation. Each of your insurers would only pay their share. This can be a pain when they can’t agree on how much they should pay. It also means that you would be making two claims. They’d both need to be declared at renewal and you may even lose your no claims bonus on both policies.

It’s okay for a car to be insured by two providers, as long as each insurer is insuring different drivers. If you’re trying to get someone else insured on your car, then it’s time to take advantage of Veygo’s temporary car insurance!

I’m the registered keeper of the car, can I get Veygo temporary cover?

We’d love to cover you, but we don’t want to charge you for something you don’t need.

When you don’t need us:

  • If you’re already insured as the main driver on the car with another insurance provider.
  • If you’re a named/additional driver on another policy for the car.

When you do need us:

  • If the car is insured by another provider, but you are not allowed to drive it on that policy.
  • If you don’t have alternative insurance, for example, if the car is declared off the road but you need temporary insurance to get an MOT.

Is learner driver and car sharing insurance classed as dual insurance?

No, you don’t have to worry about dual insurance with us. Veygo temporary car insurance and learner driver insurance provide cover for drivers who are not named on the car’s main insurance policy, so they don’t cover the same risk.

Our short-term insurance policies are fully comprehensive and totally separate to the main insurance policy. If you need to make a claim, it only needs to be declared to us and not to the insurance provider for the main policy.

Simon Jones

Worked for short-term car insurance provider Veygo for over 3 years. Been involved in building insurance products for learner drivers and people looking for temporary cover on cars, then telling the world about them through marketing campaigns. Also drive a bit myself, mainly my son around where ever he needs to go.

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