Box junction rules explained
Box junctions are one of those things that can fill even experienced drivers with dread. Listen, we can’t promise this article will make your next experience with a box junction feel like a walk in the park. But we can take you through all the box junction rules to help you avoid getting slapped with a fine.
What is a box junction?
A box junction is an area in the centre of a junction, usually at a busy crossroads or T-junction, where the road is marked with a yellow criss-crossed box. They are there as traffic control measures, to prevent gridlock at junctions. Box junctions are often also controlled by traffic lights, but this won’t always be the case so keep your eyes on the road markings and make sure you’re up to scratch on your box junction rules.
What are the rules for a box junction?

1. Do not enter a box junction unless the exit road is clear
2. Only stop in the box if you’re turning right and waiting for a gap in traffic
3. If the traffic lights go red before you turn, you’re still allowed to make the turn
4. Blocking a box junction is illegal and could land you with a fine
When may you enter a box junction?
You should not enter a box junction unless the exit road is clear. Even if the traffic lights are green, you should wait until you can be sure there’s a clear path to get to the exit you want to go down.
You can join a stationary line of traffic on the other side of the junction, but make sure there’s room for your car on the other side before going ahead. This isn’t something you want to misjudge, so it’s best to be cautious! Plus, it goes without saying that you shouldn’t enter if the traffic lights are on red.
How to approach a box junction

2. Use the mirror signal manoeuvre routine in plenty of time
3. Check that the exit you want to go down is clear
4. Do not enter unless there’s room for your car on the other side, even if the traffic light is green
When may you wait in a box junction?
What to do if you’ve entered a box junction and the light turns red?
If you’re trying to turn left or drive straight on and get stuck in a box junction with the lights on red, you’re blocking the junction. Not only will this be frustrating for other drivers, but it’s actually illegal. What’s the penalty for stopping in a yellow box junction?